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1. A small lathe built in a Japanese prison camp (lathes.co.uk)
296 points by CommieBobDole 6 hours ago | hide | 63 comments
2. Personal computing paves the way for personal library science (bramadams.dev)
50 points by _bramses 3 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
3. The Essence of Compiling with Continuations (1993) [pdf] (acm.org)
25 points by swatson741 2 hours ago | hide | discuss
4. Show HN: Dotenv, if it is a Unix utility (github.com/gyf304)
77 points by gyf304 4 hours ago | hide | 24 comments
5. Reentry – An Orbital Simulator (reentrygame.com)
24 points by belter 3 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
6. 6502 – Guideline to Reverse Engineering (how to read die shots) [pdf] (reactivemicro.com)
19 points by siraben 2 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
7. Watch cars evolve using genetic algorithm (rednuht.org)
285 points by memalign 12 hours ago | hide | 39 comments
8. Zilog Z80 CPU – Modern, free and open source silicon clone (github.com/rejunity)
310 points by jnord 14 hours ago | hide | 59 comments
9. OSWorld: Benchmarking Multimodal Agents for Open-Ended Tasks in Real Computers (os-world.github.io)
45 points by kristianpaul 5 hours ago | hide | 20 comments
10. Speeding up C++ build times (figma.com)
61 points by skilled 6 hours ago | hide | 42 comments
11. Help! My mouse climbed a wall and now it doesn't work right (theregister.com)
33 points by CHB0403085482 2 hours ago | hide | 4 comments
12. Fragmented thinking is a bigger threat to flow state than interruptions (stackblitz.com)
240 points by nickwritesit 14 hours ago | hide | 80 comments
13. Meticulous (YC S21) is hiring to eliminate E2E UI tests
4 hours ago | hide
14. Catholic Group Quickly Defrocks AI Priest Father Justin (futurism.com)
17 points by madpen 1 hour ago | hide | discuss
15. The unstallable plane that stalled (fearoflanding.com)
122 points by sni 9 hours ago | hide | 124 comments
16. Software Design Principles I Learned the Hard Way (engineerscodex.com)
71 points by thunderbong 6 hours ago | hide | 40 comments
17. Barley plants fine-tune root microbial communities through sugary secretions (phys.org)
45 points by wglb 7 hours ago | hide | 4 comments
18. PySheets – Spreadsheet UI for Python (pysheets.app)
208 points by tosh 13 hours ago | hide | 41 comments
19. Dubai's Planned $32B Mega Airport Project (tamernoah.substack.com)
20 points by silahyd 52 minutes ago | hide | 6 comments
20. Talking to memory: Inside the Intel 8088 processor's bus interface state machine (righto.com)
71 points by todsacerdoti 9 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
21. The Myth of the Second Chance (pressreader.com)
76 points by bookofjoe 8 hours ago | hide | 53 comments
22. Zed Decoded: Rope and SumTree (zed.dev)
161 points by avinassh 13 hours ago | hide | 29 comments
23. What if null was an Object in Java? (donraab.medium.com)
49 points by ingve 8 hours ago | hide | 75 comments
24. Show HN: OpenLIT – Open-Source LLM Observability with OpenTelemetry (github.com/openlit)
43 points by aman_041 8 hours ago | hide | 11 comments
25. DEC PDP-1 emulator running "Spacewar", the earliest known digital video game (masswerk.at)
12 points by smartmic 3 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
26. Ollama v0.1.33 with Llama 3, Phi 3, and Qwen 110B (github.com/ollama)
42 points by ashvardanian 4 hours ago | hide | 17 comments
27. Synth wars: The story of MIDI (2023) (musicradar.com)
131 points by conanxin 14 hours ago | hide | 53 comments
28. Did we lose our way in making efficient software? (rufatmammadli.medium.com)
125 points by rumad 8 hours ago | hide | 245 comments
29. Call-to-Action on SB 1047 – Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act (affuture.org)
110 points by jph00 3 hours ago | hide | 68 comments
30. My Homemade Metal Lathe Project (backyardmetalcasting.com)
19 points by mhb 4 hours ago | hide | 6 comments

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